Embedia Network & Wireless Cards Driver

Regatta Tactic Compass displays the relevant information that helps you to optimize the sailing route to the target waypoint. The new release adds many features for optimal approaching to the start line. A minimum display resolution 400.240 is required. The following information are provided in a glance. 1) When navigating to the next waypoint (see figure 1): - target waypoint bearing (orange. Management Device). This allows a device on one network to communicate with a: device on another network by using the BBMD to forward and route the messages. Also the NSE will attempt to pull the FDT (Foreign-Device-Table), as well as the (TTL) Time To Live, and time-out until the device willbe removed from the foreign: device table.


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Embedia Network & Wireless Cards Drivers

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Coordinator (Research & Technology organization)


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Year Established



Centre d'Intégration Nano Innov, 8 Avenue de la Vauve, 91127 Palaiseau Cedex, 91120, Palaiseau (France)


Social Media

Contact information


Contact information



DIGIHALL is the official Digital Innovation Hub for the Ile-de-France region.

The DIH seeks to federate the Region's innovation ecosystem, answering the needs of industry more efficiently and contributing to the creation of a European innovation market.

DIGIHALL is led by an RTO (CEA LIST) and an industry cluster (SYSTEMATIC), who federate the different actors in the hub, spanning academia and education providers, venture capital, incubators, and testbeds / affiliate programmes aimed at accelerating the pace of technology adoption and value creation.

DIGIHALL members are also active in the efforts to build and work with European digital platforms, making them available to industry partners to ease the deployment of new technology.

The DIH is supported by the Regional Government of Ile-de-France and enshrined in its Smart Industry strategy.

The DIH includes a network of competence centres in the following areas:

- Artificial Intelligence

- Cyberphysical Systems and IoT

- Cybersecurity

- High-Power Computing

- Additive Manufacturing

- Control and Non-Destructive Testing

- Robotics

In the case of the Robotics Competence Centre, DIGIHALL relies on the RIF@Paris-Saclay Robotics Innovation Facility, active at European level since 2013 through the ECHORD++ initiative.

DIGIHALL est le DIH officiel de la région Île-de-France.

La DIH cherche à fédérer l'écosystème d'innovation de la région, à répondre plus efficacement aux besoins de l'industrie et à contribuer à la création d'un marché Européen de l'innovation.

DIGIHALL est dirigé par une RTO (CEA LIST) et un cluster de l’industrie (SYSTEMATIC), qui fédèrent les différents acteurs dans le DIH : les académies et les prestataires de formations, les entreprises de capital-risque, les incubateurs et les programmes de test, les programmes affiliés à l’accélération du rythme d’adoption des technologies et à la création de valeur.

Les membres de DIGIHALL participent également activement aux efforts visant à créer et à travailler avec des plateformes technologiques Européennes, les mettant ainsi à la disposition des partenaires industriels pour faciliter le déploiement de nouvelles technologies.

Le DIH est soutenu par le gouvernement régional d'Ile-de-France et inscrit dans sa stratégie Smart Industry.

Link to national or regional initiatives for digitising industry

DIGIHALL is strongly linked to regional, national and European strategies for digitising industry:

  • Regional:
    • DIGIHALL is linked to the Paris Region's S3 strategy: complex systems, digital creation and smart vehicles: link
    • Additionally, the Digital Innovation Hub is one of the key measures in the Paris region's SMART INDUSTRIE plan to support the transformation of SMEs and midcaps: link
  • National:
    • DIGIHALL has strong links to the French national platform for Manufacturing: Alliance Industrie du Futur link, where several members of DIGIHALL are founding members. DIGIHALL includes the national manufacturing affiliate programme FactoryLab link , financed by major French industries and the regional and national governments
    • DIGIHALL actors benefit from investments within the French national plan PIA (Plan d'Investissement d'Avenir) for the development of platforms, testbeds and technologies (e.g. 2IDO, PROBANT, Starnext, PRC2)
  • European:
    • DIGIHALL is actively involved in the European Digitising Industry Initiative, participating in the creation of the network of Digital Innovation Hubs, and the creation and diffusion of European Digital platforms through Horizon 2020 and industrial initiatives. Below are a selection of past and ongoing projects:
      • DIGIHALL hosts the Siemens-CEA Mindsphere centre, which brings startups, capital and artificial intelligence digital platforms together to accelerate the diffusion of AI in industry: link
      • DIGIHALL actors have participated in a number of relevant European projects for the construction of the DIH network and its supporting digital platforms:
        • ECHORD++: European Robotics Innovation Facility
        • HORSE: robotics competence centre in manufacturing
        • ROBMOSYS: development of a European robotics digital platform
        • BEINCPPS: cyberphysical systems competence centre for manufacturing systems
        • ConnectedFactories
        • ESMERA: robotics competence centre for SMEs
        • COVR: extension of services provided by the competence centre to safety regulation assessment
        • TERRINET: technical competence services to research and academia users
        • OEDIPUS: connection of manufacturing applications to the Cloud for AI implementation by industry
        • MIDIH: digital technologies diffusion to SMEs

Market sectors

  • Agriculture, hunting and forestry
  • Fishing
  • Mining and quarrying
  • Electricity, gas and water supply
  • Construction
  • Wholesale and retail trade
  • Hotels and restaurants
  • Transport, storage and communication
  • Real estate, renting and business activities
  • Public administration and defence
  • Education
  • Health and social work
  • Other community, social and personal service activities (media, entertainment, etc.)
  • Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco
  • Manufacture of textiles and textile products
  • Manufacture of leather and leather products
  • Manufacture of wood and wood products
  • Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products; publishing and printing
  • Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel
  • Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres
  • Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
  • Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
  • Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products
  • Manufacture of machinery and equipment
  • Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment
  • Manufacture of transport equipment
  • Other Manufacturing
  • Other markets
  • Financial intermediation

TRL Focus

  • TRL1 - Basic principles observed and reported
  • TRL2 - Technology concept and/or application formulated
  • TRL3 - Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept
  • TRL4 - Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment
  • TRL5 - Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment
  • TRL6 - System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment
  • TRL7 - System prototype demonstration in an operational environment
  • TRL8 - Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration
  • TRL9 - Actual system proven through successful mission operations

Services provided

  • Awareness creation
  • Ecosystem building, scouting, brokerage, networking
  • Visioning and Strategy Development for Businesses
  • Collaborative Researchs
  • Concept validation and prototyping
  • Testing and validation
  • Commercial infrastructure
  • Digital Maturity Assessment
  • Incubator/accelerator support
  • Market intelligence
  • Access to Funding and Investor Readiness Services
  • Mentoring
  • Education and skills development

New Service3 : EmbedIA

Integration of Artificial Intelligence application on an electronic architecture is challenged by issues related to calculation power, memory need, energy consumption; hardware cost …. DIHDigihall will propose a survey of existing hardware architecture suitable for your application, an exploration and redesign of your application to optimize the deployment on selected electronic architectures.

More details: http://www-list.cea.fr/

Technology transfer

DIGIHALL offers industry access to a portfolio of hundreds of digital technologies from the DIH partners. Technology areas offered include AI, cybersecurity, robotics, vision, communications, and human-machine interfaces.

The service includes the following elements: strategic counselling, prototyping, knowledge transfer and intellectual property transfer. The following is an example of an established industrial SMEs that have benefited from this service:

- Sarrazin Technologies: Sarrazin technologies, an SME in the field of manufacturing manipulators, acquired advanced robotics technologies from CEA LIST (DIGIHALL PARTNER) in order to launch a new product: Cobomanip, a zero-gravity, high-precision robotic manipulator arm that has opened new markets for the company.

The company approached the DIH in order to find a technology that could meet the demand of a particular customer. The collaboration that ensued led to the development of a new product and the participation of Sarrazin Technologies in other services offered by the DIH (ecosystem building, access to funded collaborative R&D).

More details: https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/le-bras-manipulateurgagne-en-intelligence.N273254

Ecosystem Development

DIGIHALL offers ecosystem development services for companies of all sizes that wish to engage with the Digital Innovation Hub. The DIH includes several open innovation platforms that can be used by SMEs to share infrastructures and pool resources, but also to engage with customers and suppliers around innovation projects. Examples of these platforms are:

- FactoryLab

- Additive Factory Hub


An example of a company that has benefited from this service is RB3D, a French robotics SME. By joining FactoryLab, RB3D has opened up new applications and market sectors for its innovative solutions by engaging with major industry partners in the aeronautics, naval, automotive and oil and gas sectors, developing new products and increasing turnover.

More details: http://www.cimaya.fr/flipbook/globalindustrieinfos-editionavantsalon2018/html5/index.html?page=1&noflash

Access to finance

DIGIHALL includes a number of mechanisms to facilitate financing for industry partners, including participation in funded collaborative projects, support to raise financing through innovation-specific instruments, and access to investors. DIGIHALL benefits from access to an incubator - Incuballiance, a SATT (Technology Transfer Acceleration society with over 60m€) and an investment fund (Supernova).

A recent example of access to investors is that of Isybot, a manufacturing robotics startup that has benefited from several services within DIGIHALL. Isybot benefited from counselling and brokering, and raised 1m€ in February 2018.

More details: http://www.cea.fr/entreprises/Pages/partenaires/actualites/isybot-leve-pres-d'un-million-d'euros.aspx

New Service 1 : IA4U

Development and customization of data intelligence bricks (image analytics, semantic analysis...) support digitalization in all industrial sector. DIHDigihall propose an analysis of the industrial need, a survey of existing solutions developed by the SME partners of the Digihall ecosystem and a R&D program if appropriate.

More details: http://www-list.cea.fr/

New Service2 : TrustIA

Industrial application with Artificial Intelligence require the capability to explain and to assess the performance of the application, and ultimately the capability to certify and guarantee. Based on formal method and model based system engineering, DIHDigihall will propose a service to analyze and validate the algorithm engineering of the application.

More details: http://www-list.cea.fr/

Organizational form


Networked organization, without formal structure



Number of employees

Embedia Network & Wireless Cards Drivers

Embedia network & wireless cards drivers


Fully operational


  • Horizon 2020
  • European Regional Development Fund
  • National basic research funding
  • National specific innovation funding
  • Regional funding
  • Private funding
  • Partner resources
  • Memberships

Number of customers annually


Type of customers

  • Start-up companies
  • SMEs (<250 employees)
  • MidCaps (between €2-10 billion turnover)
  • Large companies, multi-nationals
  • Research organisations

Systematic Paris Region

Partner Type

Networked, cluster organization




Partner Type

Research & Technology organization


Institut Mines Télécom

Partner Type



Université Paris-Saclay

Partner Type




Partner Type

Research & Technology organization


SATT Paris-Saclay

Partner Type

Private investor, institute



Partner Type



Université Paris-Sud

Partner Type



  • Photonics, electronic and optical functional materials
  • Broadband and other communication networks (e.g. 5G)
  • Cyber physical systems (e.g. embedded systems)
  • Robotics and autonomous systems
  • Internet of Things (e.g. connected devices, sensors and actuators networks)
  • Artificial Intelligence and cognitive systems
  • Location based technologies (e.g. GPS, GIS, in-house localization)
  • Interaction technologies (e.g. human-machine Interaction, motion recognition and language technologies)
  • Cyber security (including biometrics)
  • Advanced or High performance computing
  • Data mining, big data, database management
  • Augmented and virtual reality, visualization
  • Simulation and modelling
  • Gamification
  • Software as a service and service architectures
  • Cloud computing
  • Additive manufacturing (3D printing)
  • ICT management, logistics and business systems
  • New Media technologies
    Smart integrated Robotics system for SMEs controlled by Internet of Things based on dynamic manufacturing processes
    Smart integrated Robotics system for SMEs controlled by Internet of Things based on dynamic manufacturing processes
    HORSE aims to bring a leap forward in the manufacturing industry proposing a new flexible model of smart factory involving collaboration of humans, robots, AGV’s (Autonomous Guided Vehicles) and machinery to realize industrial tasks in an efficient manner. HORSE proposes to foster technology deployment towards SMEs by developing a methodological and technical framework for easy adaptation of robotic solutions and by setting up infrastructures and environments that will act as clustering points for selected application areas in manufacturing and for product life cycle management (production and/or maintenance and/or product end of life). The main strategy builds on existing technology and research results in robotics and smart factories and integrates them in a coherent framework. The suitability of the resulting framework is not only driven by but will be validated with end-users - manufacturing companies- in two steps: In the first, the joint iterative development of the framework together with selected end-users will take place (Pilot Experiments). In the second, its suitability and transferability to further applications will be validated with new end users, which are recruited by an Open Call mechanism. The novel approaches of HORSE are the integration of concepts such as (physical) human-robot interaction, intuitive human-machine interfaces, and interaction between different robots and machines into an integrated environment with pre-existing machines and workflows. Safety of the human worker as well as reduction of health risks through physical support by the robotized equipment will contribute to better overall manufacturing processes. In these, pre-defined workflows to be customized are the basis for servitisation, for the entire value chain that allow rapid reconfiguration of the robots based collaborative production processes. HORSE aims to foster advanced manufacturing technology deployment by industries and especially SMEs.

Response Based Automation

Reactive Sensor/Switch Control

Through Simple-SwitchTM default mappings, GROUP products offer out-of-the box functionality that meet the requirements of most standard shading applications without the need for any programming or configuration. A fully addressable digital data network enables the system to scale for any size project. When more advanced automation is required, flexible shade groups and switch/sensor response profiles can be easily configured through the Embedia InSight application. Since all GROUP level controls are native BACnet devices, integration with BMS and AV systems is a breeze.

  • Flexible shade groupings - individual to all shades in the system, including overlapping groups
  • Programmable sensor and switch response profiles
  • Accurate and repeatable alignment with motion uniformity
  • Wired BACnet MS/TP or Wireless BACnet/ZigBee digital data network options
  • Supports USB add-on capabilities
  • Embedia InSight Mobile App for Programming and Control