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© CONTRIBUTED PHOTO FROM PORT ST. LUCIE POLICE DEPARTMENT A Sunday morning fiery crash in Port St. Lucie ended with the vehicle’s driver in jail, according to police officials.

A fiery crash in Port St. Lucie this morning ended with the vehicle’s driver in jail, according to police officials.

Police officers went to Southwest Becker Road and Southwest Leeward Street about 5 a.m. today in response to a single-vehicle crash, said police Sgt. Keith Boham.

“The driver drove into the woods, and the vehicle caught on fire,” Boham said. “It wasn’t fully engulfed … it was relatively small.”

The driver, later identified as 53-year-old Cary Watson, ran from the scene, Boham said. Police did not have a hometown for Watson.

Officers searched nearby and found a man who matched the description of the driver in the area of Southwest Undallo Road and Southwest North Quick Circle, Boham said.

“He admitted to the leaving the scene of the accident,” Boham said.

Watson also had an expired driver’s license and an arrest warrant for failing to appear in court regarding an expired driver’s license, Boham said.

He sustained minor injuries and was taken to a local hospital, per protocol, but was medically cleared, Boham said.

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Watson was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and driving with an expired driver’s license and taken to the St. Lucie County Jail, Boham said. Watson was being held there this afternoon on $650 bail, according to the jail’s website.

© CONTRIBUTED PHOTO FROM PORT ST. LUCIE POLICE DEPARTMENT A Sunday morning fiery crash in Port St. Lucie ended with the vehicle’s driver in jail, according to police officials.Drivers

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Port St. Lucie crash Sunday morning ends with fire, driver's arrest

© Dreamstime/TNS Chief Justice Mark Martin reportedly served as an informal legal adviser to President Trump while the former chief executive tried to overturn his election defeat.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Mark Martin retired as chief justice of the N.C. Supreme Court in 2019 with a reputation as a legal moderate and consensus-builder who worked to protect the integrity of the courts.

But now the 57-year-old Republican is under attack for his role as an informal legal adviser to Donald Trump during the defeated president's unprecedented two-month fight to remain in office.

In a Jan. 31 story, the New York Times said Martin, now dean of a Christian law school in Virginia, was at the center of two of the most controversial legal maneuvers in Trump's failed effort to overturn his loss to now-President Joe Biden.

First, according to the Times report, Martin helped ghost-write what would become a lawsuit by the state of Texas attempting to overturn Biden's pivotal electoral victories in Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. The complaint, which was sent directly to the U.S. Supreme Court, was quickly dismissed by the justices in December due to Texas not having a legal right to challenge the elections in other states.

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Then, with Trump's legal defenses crumbling in courts around the country, Martin, who had connected with the president through White House Chief of Staff and fellow North Carolinian Mark Meadows, offered what amounted to a last firewall.

According to the Times, Martin advocated a 'radical' constitutional interpretation giving Vice President Mike Pence the authority to reject any state election returns he deemed fraudulent — a theory that legal scholars across the political spectrum dismissed as nonsensical and which even Pence, one of Trump's most loyal allies, refused to embrace.

Martin has not publicly spoken about his behind-the-scenes advisory role with the former president. Chris Roslan, a spokesman for Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach, Va., told the Observer on Friday that Martin would have no comment.

Some of Martin's defenders say he is a man of deep faith and high professional standards who has been unfairly singled out by the allegations of a largely unattributed newspaper story — allegations that Martin cannot defend himself against because they fall under attorney-client privilege.

But several legal experts say his maneuvering on Trump's behalf undermined faith in the country's elections, weakened its constitutional democracy and set the stage for the Jan. 6 mob assault on the Capitol.

This week, Trump — the first U.S. president in history to be impeached twice — goes on trial in the Senate on charges that he incited a violent insurrection to stop Congress from certifying his defeat.

Likewise, Martin's critics say the former justice should be investigated and disciplined for his role in promulgating the baseless notion that Trump was cheated out of a win.

Across the country, a legal reckoning with Trump lawyers already is underway. In Michigan, the governor and other top officials announced last week that they want North Carolina native Sidney Powell and three other Trump attorneys disbarred for their tactics in trying to overturn that state's election.

In November, a New Jersey congressman filed complaints in five states to revoke the licenses of Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and 22 other lawyers for filing 'frivolous' lawsuits and engaging in 'conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation' on behalf of Trump.

Martin, if his actions detailed by the Times are true, should face similar consequences, says Norm Eisen, an expert on law, ethics, and anti-corruption at the Brookings Institution.

'All the lawyers who whipped up Trump's followers into a frenzy based on the completely baseless belief that the election had been stolen must bear a share of the responsibility for what happened on Jan. 6,' said Eisen, a special counsel in Trump's first impeachment.

'They kept setting up Trump's followers for these legal disappointments, elevating their hopes, which came crashing down again and again, enraging the future insurrectionists more and more,' Eisen told the Observer. 'Until finally Trump lit the short fuse with his words on Jan. 6, and threw a human bomb at Congress where it exploded into violence and death.'

Duke law professor Jim Coleman said Martin's service as North Carolina's chief justice should have no bearing on the willingness of the state bar to investigate and punish Martin, if warranted.

'They were trying to subvert the whole damn Constitution, and it was led by lawyers,' said Coleman, a Charlotte native.

'I think it's quite damaging to have a former chief justice of the N.C. Supreme Court being associated with these positions. It calls into question how he and perhaps others approach the law — not based on principle but based on the result you want to achieve politically.

'... It undermines the whole profession. It undermines the rule of law.'

Republican Bob Orr, who served with Martin on the N.C. Supreme Court, says Martin's help in drafting the Texas lawsuit — even if it was based on 'a crazy constitutional theory' — doesn't merit an investigation of his professional ethics. But Orr said his friend and former colleague should publicly clarify his role with Trump.

'I've known Mark a long time. He likes to please people,' said Orr, a former GOP candidate for governor. 'If the president of the United States — who is a big deal even if he is a nut job — is seeking your advice and wanting advice in a certain direction, I can see Mark being accommodating.

'But he's generally very cautious. He certainly isn't somebody to walk out on a long limb.'

Former longtime N.C. Chief Justice Burley Mitchell, who also served with Martin on the state's highest court, says he disagrees with Martin's legal interpretations related to Trump's fight to overturn the election. That doesn't mean Martin did anything illegal or unethical, Mitchell says.

'What are you investigating him for? He was giving a legal opinion, which I think was wrong. It happens to all of us. But now people are trying to pump that up into some kind of conspiracy?

'I guess they'll have him in the Proud Boys next.'

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NC chief justice to Trump adviser

Martin, a graduate of Western Carolina University and the UNC School of Law, held the distinction of being the youngest person ever elected to the N.C. Court of Appeals. In 1999, the then-35-year-old became the youngest judge ever to serve on the state Supreme Court.

Former Republican Gov. Pat McCrory appointed Martin chief justice in 2014. He served five years, earning a reputation as a conciliator who took a narrow, literalist approach to the law. Before his retirement in 2019, Martin also led a statewide reform effort of the N.C. courts that extended juvenile court protections to 16- and 17-year-olds and tried to make the courts more accessible to low-income residents.

'He was an excellent chief justice. I think he had a good feel for N.C. law, and I was sorry to see him retire,' says Jim Cooney of Charlotte, one of the state's most prominent defense attorneys.

But Cooney says the flawed legal reasoning behind both the Texas lawsuit and the notion of Pence's expanded role in choosing the president are a radical departure from Martin's legal record in North Carolina. Here, according to Cooney, Martin's written opinions were decided 'on narrow grounds' and not with 'sweeping conclusions.'

'There is no way that the people who wrote the 12th Amendment would have the vice president of the the United States deciding who the president would be,' Cooney said.

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'That's taking language that's been clear for 200 years and putting a results-oriented gloss on it — what do we want to achieve and how we are going to read those words to achieve it?'

When Pence refused to serve as the last line of defense for Trump's presidency, Trump pilloried him on social media. Some of the frenzied supporters of the soon-to-be former president held the vice president complicit in the imagined theft of the election. 'Hang Pence,' they chanted as they broke into the Capitol.

Yet Cooney is careful not to put too much blame for the violence on Martin's legal argument.

'Was it a log on the fire? Sure,' he said. 'But there were a whole lot of people stoking the fire with a whole lot of logs. That was not the log that sent everything over the edge on Jan. 6.'

Similarly, UNC Law professor Carissa Byrne Hessick draws a distinction between lawyers who filed documents on Trump's behalf and those, like Martin, who offered the former president advice. While Martin may have written at least part of the Texas lawsuit, the document does not bear his name.

'There's a very big difference. Once you put your name on the document, you're responsible for what that document says,' said Hessick, an expert in politics and the law.

Concerning Martin, 'It isn't clear to me what the professional ethics claim would be ... because he did not file any documents that included false statements and because we generally permit lawyers to make novel legal claims on behalf of their clients,' Hessick said.

According to Orr, what Martin advised and what Trump heard and tweeted may be two vastly different things.

'I put nothing past Trump. He could have taken something Mark or anyone else said and twisted and manipulated it,' Orr said. 'Mark certainly hasn't made any public comments in support of that crazy theory (about Pence) or the Texas lawsuit. I certainly don't want him painted with the insanity that took place.'

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Coleman, though, offers a test: Would Martin teach his theories in support of overturning the election to his law students at Regent?

'I would be shocked if he did,' Coleman said. 'I don't think he could stand up in front of a class of students and argue that any of it was possible under our Constitution.'